Monday, August 30, 2010

The opening post for A Passionate Moderate

There is the very vocal radical fringe on both sides, there are then additional conservative or liberal voices that lean a little more toward the middle, and all are very passionate about their causes. Rarely do we hear of a passionate moderate, and in most circles that that term would be considered an oxymoron. But, we all have a voice, and it is important that we stand up for what we believe in passionately, even it that cause is a moderate compromise to a very liberal or very conservation ideal.

I was in my younger years a rather staunch conservative. As I aged and gain experience, my conservatism began to moderate. Today I consider myself a moderate who is a social liberal and fiscal conservative. I look at conservatism from the root of the word, conserve. I don’t mind that our government spends money on needed programs; I just would like to see that we get the biggest bang for our buck. I believe that it is socially responsibility does not include activities that prevent people from living their lives in a way the cause no else any harm. And I passionately believe that people and their lives, and their rights are more important than any political, ideological, or religious rhetoric.

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